Asthma is something that a sufferer has to live with throughout his or her lifetime. Whether you are a child or an adult, asthma knows no age. Since there is no definitive cure for asthma, what one can do is proper asthma management. If a person is diagnosed with asthma, all that you can do is accept it and learn to live with it. This is where asthma management comes in.
Being able to do asthma management should start at home. Clean your home thoroughly and make sure that every corner is dust free and bacteria free. What you can do is regularly, as in daily, vacuum the house and dust off some f the items that tend to get a lot of dust. Also, if you are the sufferer or the person in the household is within the house during the time of cleaning and dusting off, wear a protective mask. This keeps allergens from getting into your airways through the nose and the mouth.
Another asthma management method is to identify the two different types of inhalers used for asthma. You don´t necessarily have to have two inhalers, but in some cases you may need two inhalers. One type of inhaler is used to prevent asthmatic attacks and this is taken in regular intervals. The other type of inhaler is used to relieve in case of an occurring asthma attack. Knowing how different the two is will help you in your asthma management.
If you have asthma it does not mean you don´t have to enjoy physical activities such as sports and other stuff. What you just need to remember is to try and limit yourself from too much physical activities. Consult your doctor or medical professional as to what sports or exercises is okay for you to engage in. Don´t let asthma stop you from being physically active even at least with exercise. Asthma management even requires you to be physically active so as not to let your immune system be weak.
Helping yourself and/or the sufferer understand asthma will help you to not limit yourself due to your chronic condition. That is why, with good asthma management, you can still lead an active lifestyle.